Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Monday, September 28, 2009

praying mantis

i found this creature today

i think it's pretty cool

shoes at bard

i have a new and awesome system for shoes at bard

i have hidden my flip-flops outside the dinning hall

i now don't have to carry them

Friday, September 25, 2009


ydw here i come

Thursday, September 24, 2009

conference at bard

The Burden of Our Times: The Intellectual Origins of the Global Financial Crisis will be at bard on october 16th and 17th

it looks amazing

i hope to get to as much of it as i can

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

fresh air

Karen Armstrong was on fresh air yesterday

here is the transcript

she makes it her spiritual path to study the religions of the world

if i start a religion it will be something like that

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

texts from last night

a dorm mate of mine showed me this website

isn't it amazing where the great minds of the people in this world are


i went to sleep last night at 8:45

it was amazing

i felt fully awake the whole day

Monday, September 21, 2009

quote from an elder in greenland

"Every day we in the north see what you in the south are doing to the Earth. We have seen what it takes to melt the Arctic ice. What will it take to melt the ice in the human heart?"

the Symposium

i finished the Symposium last night

it was definitely worth the read

it calls cultural norms into question both how they are created and wether they are valid

thirty year old men having sex with fourteen year old boys sounds disgusting to us now

they would have found hookup culture equally disgusting

the celestial form of love described in the Symposium is very attractive to me

i think that it is perfectly feasible to have that kind of love with someone of the opposite sex

i hope that i go back and reread this in a few years

sleepy eyes

if you have ever read a dense book late at night then you probably know what i mean when i say that my eyes were trying to fall asleep while i was finishing the Symposium

i have discovered the solution to this problem

rub some burt's bees lip balm on your eye lids

it makes a striking difference

it feels sparkly and wakes your eyes up

(thank you Rose)


i have just finished reading the Symposium

during Alcibiades' speech he says "truth comes from wine"

i wonder if there is any truth in this statement

my inclination is no but it's defiantly open to debate

Sunday, September 20, 2009


it's times like this that i am especially happy to have a printer in my room


why is it that people (including myself) continue to do things that we don't enjoy

both while we are doing them and afterward

one would think that after all the time we've been on this planet we would have found a way to avoid this problem

if you ask me this is solid proof of the irrationality of humans

Saturday, September 19, 2009

opinions of obama

this is possibly the scariest video i have ever seen in my life

i found it on the website of Max Blumenthal the author of "Republican Gomorrah: Inside the Movement that Shattered the Party"

love and forgiveness

i came across this website through speaking of faith

i haven't read very much of it yet but i love the premise

Friday, September 18, 2009


only one more week till some real dancing

the onion

too brilliant not to post

my hair

it is starting to get long enough to make shaking the water out of it after taking a shower fun

Thursday, September 17, 2009

the onion

It is always important not to take the things too seriously

the onion does just that

fresh air

Max Blumenthal the author of an an interesting sounding book was on fresh air

it is called "Republican Gomorrah: Inside the Movement that Shattered the Party"

it sounded like a scary book

relevant in our times of political unrest

and useful to help understand where the values of the radical right are coming from

if i wasn't swamped with work i would read it now

click here for the transcript of the interview

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

men in skirts

"Not everyone who dons the clothing of the opposite sex is a crossdresser. Society tends to perpetuate stereotypes on the basis of visible behavior patterns. Drag queens are usually gay or bisexual males who don women's clothes either to mock femininity and society's stereotypes of gays, or to find sex partners. Female impersonators dress to entertain. Transsexuals believe they are entrapped in the body of the opposite sex, and seek sexual reassignment surgery. Crossdressers do not aspire to any of these things, but are simply expressing the crossgendered side of their personalities."

a scholarly article on what contra dancers wear

read more here

budget forum

is was a waste of my time


the bard contra was a mixed experience

it made me appreciate cdny

not many contra dances do that

it was sure good to dance again though

it has been too long

Monday, September 14, 2009


wow that was fun

and much easier than i thought it would be

Sunday, September 13, 2009


isn't it wonderful


woke up today for a 9 am frisbee practice

not a bad way to start off a sunday

i wish my knee would heal faster

Saturday, September 12, 2009


i think i am going to buy this tent

for a link click here

Friday, September 11, 2009

a flaw i have discovered

i have found a flaw in the human body

when you run on a still night you hear a great deal of wind in your ears

when you turn your head ninety degrees you can hear your surroundings much better you can't see where you are going though for obvious reasons

i have not found an easy solution to this problem yet


if metric units are so far superior to english units as the scientific community seems to believe

why don't we all switch to metric

Thursday, September 10, 2009


i throughly enjoyed reading genesis

except for the joseph part i had andrew lloyd weber stuck in my head throughout that was terrible

i wish we could devote more time to it in fysem

on the topic of genesis


why do people wear them


making this blog was too easy

it really makes you wonder how much junk is floating around out there in the internet

i hope that this endeavor does not end up to be junk

tommy chat just emailed me

i saw this during an l and t class

i am not sure what i think about it

is it art

i think it is it total trash

some initial thoughts

this is going to be a relatively different blog than the conventional blog i am going to lay out some of these differences here

1 this blog is about thoughts and ideas not necessarily complete and well laid out arguments

2 the lack of punctuation is an intentional choice i am going to try it and see how it works

3 any constructive comments are welcome

4 it will be relatively sporadic

5 it is not for you it is for me if you do not like it do not follow it

all right then here goes