Thursday, September 10, 2009


why do people wear them



  2. Maybe it is because it is yet another way to be less conscious of the world around us. I just talked with Liz Teal and somehow the subject of going barefoot came up. Her husband has a Unitarian minister friend who spent an entire year going barefoot. He had flip flops with him for those places where he could not legally visit unshod. He, and I believe some other Unitarian minister types, did this to be more fully connected with wherever they were. For example, he described to her the way his feet experienced contrasting class differences in the neighborhoods and school yards of very wealthy and poor neighborhoods. He didn't just have a visual experience of yards ranging from the lush green uniform pesticide and fertilizer laden lawns to a ragged mix of crabgrass and clover, to dirt yards with only sprigs of weeds laced with glass and needles and trash, to cracked concrete. His feet provided him with a visceral understanding of these differences that he believes he could get no other way. It makes me think about walking barefoot in Woods Hole vs. the 7th Ward in New Orleans, or, even more personal for me, the rubble of the South Bronx of the early 80's.
