Monday, November 2, 2009


i am worried that obama will make stupid decisions regarding afghanistan

even though there is a rational fear that retreating from afghanistan will result in afghanistan being taken over by the taliban it is my opinion that we should still out of there as fast as we possibly can

all that we can do by staying there is prolong the inevitable wasting resources in the process

there is no possible way that the us or anyone else for that matter can prevent ideas by occupying afghan cities

the only way we can fight these ideas is with respect

sending more troops will only make the middle east more mad at us than they already are

come on obama

the middle east likes you (somewhat) at the moment don't give it and the rest of the world reason to dislike you

don't make the same mistake bush made

we have enough to deal with domestically

health care
climate change
. . .

let's not waste tons of money and life on a lost cause


what can be gained by staying there

i don't understand

if someone could enlighten me on this subject that would be great



  2. i don't understand either. at least we have obama and not another Bush or worse. i can at least have hope now. much of the world feels that too, and they let us know in many ways. one huge "GREAT WORK - DON'T STOP"* that the whole world heard was awarding Obama the recent Nobel Peace Prize.

    But you're right to speak out. To ask. To start a dialogue. Write to Obama and anyone you think might be able to help. maybe your voice can be heard too. I heard it.

    love your blog. miss you on fb, but this is better. *GREAT WORK - DON'T STOP!


